About the class
The 2′s class has a maximum enrollment of 12 children. There are 2 licensed teachers and a co-op parent in the classroom every day.
To be eligible to enroll, a child must be 2 years of age by September 1st of the enrollment year.
Weekly schedule
Tuesday & Thursday
- 8:45-10:45 a.m. (September to December)
- 8:45-11:15 a.m. (January to May)
What do students learn?
As an introduction to preschool, the 2’s class emphasizes cooperation, socialization, and new experiences through learning games and group play.
- In circle time, children participate in activities, educational lessons, role playing, games, songs, dances & more!
- During centers time, children play and learn through exploration of the world with sensory materials. Centers time encourages children to grow socially and personally when they engage in free play and learn about science, building, literature, imaginative play and much more!
- During outdoor play, children develop physical coordination and socialization skills, while enjoying fun on the jungle gym, sandbox, playhouse, trikes, chalk, balls, strollers and more!
- Teacher-led small groups focus on fine motor skills, creative and cognitive learning through creating art, participating in fun activities with shapes, colors, letters and numbers.
Sample class schedule
- 8:45-9:00: Circle Time – Greet one another and engage in interactive plays, stories, and songs
- 9:00-9:10: Small Groups – Story extension and concept development through guided play
- 9:10-10:30: Learning Centers
- Blocks
- Sensory Tables – sand, beans, water etc.
- Dramatic Play
- Science
- Art
- Puzzles & Games
- 10:30-10:45: Wash Hands / Snack
- 10:45-11:10: Recess – Outdoor play on the LNS playground
- 11:10-11:15: Closing – Sing goodbye song and wait to be greeted by caregivers
Why choose the 2’s program at LNS?
We provide your child with holistic instruction based on play, which is how preschoolers build the skills needed for critical thinking and leadership and how they learn best!
Our curriculum encourages and develops your child’s cognitive, physical, social, and emotional domains through a variety of teacher-directed activities, child-initiated activities, and collaborative teacher/parent activities. You are your child’s first teacher and you know your child best. We value your help in our classroom!
We use songs, chants and rhymes throughout our day as they lay the foundation for reading readiness. Songs, chants and rhymes reinforce patterns, build vocabulary, develop sound discrimination, develop listening and comprehension skills and aid in letter knowledge and recognition (all of these are strong predictors of how easily a child will learn to read later in school). We provide a print-rich classroom, labeling areas of the room, including child created books, and incorporating pictures paired with words.
Your child will be engaged with physical materials and manipulatives to help them build pre-math skills such as recognizing patterns, counting verbally forward, identifying more and less, and recognizing sizes and shapes.
We explore the world around us through our five senses and hands on activities and experiments as we learn science, health and social studies. Reading, music and movement, outdoor play and a variety of art activities round out our curriculum.